Constipation can affect dogs of any breed, size, age, or lifestyle. It's a common digestive issue among pets. In this blog post, our Turlock vets share advice on actions to take if you think your dog might be constipated.
Is my dog constipated?
If your dog has trouble pooping, like having really hard or dry poop, or if they haven't pooped for two days or more, they might be constipated.
Constipated dogs often strain, crouch, or whine while attempting to defecate. You may even notice string, grass, or matted feces around your dog's anal area.
Today, we'll talk about why dogs get constipated, what signs to look for, and what you can do about it.
If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms of constipation, see your vet in Turlock right away.
What should I do if my dog is constipated?
Is your dog showing any signs of constipation listed above? It's essential to see your vet as soon as possible since this qualifies as a veterinary emergency requiring immediate qualified care. Many symptoms of constipation can also sometimes indicate other health issues.
What causes constipation in dogs?
There are many reasons that dogs may experience constipation. Some of the common factors that can lead to constipation include:
- Enlarged prostate
- Not getting enough daily exercise
- Not having enough fiber in their diet
- Swallowing hair while grooming excessively
- Feeling pain when trying to poop because of joint problems
- Having growths, masses, or tangled hair near their read end
- Having blocked or infected anal glands.
- Eating things like dirt, fabric, toys, or grass
- Being dehydrated
How is constipation in dogs treated?
Your vet will check your pet to find out why your pup is uncomfortable and suggest the right treatment for your dog.
The treatment options might include dog-friendly laxatives, adding more fiber to your dog's food, increasing their daily playtime, or giving them medication to help their large intestine work better.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.<